Blackboard Support

Exporting and Importing

Exporting a Question Pool, Test or Survey

There are two ways of exporting a question pool.

  • Under Control Panel, click on Course Tools.
  • Select Test, Surveys, and Pools and click on Pools.
  • Select the relevant question pool and click on .

You can either choose Export to Local Computer or Export to Content Collection.

If you choose Export to Local Computer, the question pool will be saved in a zip file with a long file name that includes the course ID.

  • Save the file in a folder in your own system (download the file).

If you choose Export to Content Collection, you must specify a destination.

  • Click on Browse.
  • Select an existing folder or create a new one using Create Folder.
  • Click on Submit.

You will notice that the empty line is now filled with the location to where you want to export the test.

  •  Click on Submit.