Creating groups
Create a Self-enrolled Sign-up sheet
1)Start at Control Panel choose beneath Users & Groups, Groups:
2)Open Create choose beneath Group Set, Self-Enroll:
3)Set the settings:
- Give the form a name.
- Choose the option Sign-up sheet only. So students will only see the sign-up sheet.
- Turn the Tool availabilty off. No tools are required:
- Give the Sign-up Sheet a name.
- Indicate how many students should enroll per group/point of time.
- Indicate how many groups/point of times there are.
4)Click Submit.
5) Adjust the name of the individual groups with the timelines via “Edit Group”:
6) Then, create a link to the self-enrollment sheets.
- Go to the area in Blackboard where you want the link.
- Klik op Tools >> Groups
- Create a link to the Group Set that just has just been created:
7) After creating and confirming the link, it appears to the students like this: