Blackboard Support

Course building and management

Course Management: Control Panel

You manage a Blackboard learning environment through the Control Panel. All functions can be selected directly from the course page. The functions in the Control Panel can be unfolded by clicking on the arrows. This will show the options per function:

The options are briefly discussed below.

Content Collection (files)
This is an option for storing files in the learning environment in a structured way. For instance, an instructor may already upload all the files that will be needed later at the start of the course. When students need the files, the instructor will always be able to place them, even if the files are not available locally.

Course Tools
These are tools for carrying out specific tasks within the learning environment. Some of these are also visible in the course course menu. Certain tools are used frequently, such as Announcements, Contacts, Discussion Board and Send Email. You can also find tools here that are only used by certain faculties or for certain subjects.

This is a collection of tools for tracking students’ progress.

Grade Center
This links to the Grade Center.

Users and Groups
Here you can manage students and groups by searching, enrolling, assigning roles, removing the enrolment, and more.

Here you can specify enrolment options and entry requirements for the course, availability, the start page, the image on the opening page, the name of the course, and so on.

Packages and Utilities
Here you will find, among other things, the possibility to make a backup of your course, the course copy facility, other facilities to add or remove parts to or from your course and the logs.

Utrecht University does not make use of the Blackboard Help function. Instead you can use the Support tab on top of the page. Here, you will find manuals, instructions, tips, more detailed explanations, and background information.