Blackboard Support

Creating Tests

Uploading questions

If you already have a collection of questions available digitally, you may consider converting these questions into a text format suitable for Blackboard to process. This text format is as follows:

Each field is separated by a <Tab>.

The first column indicates the question type. The next column contains the question or main part of the question, and the subsequent columns indicate the correct answers, pairs, etc.

For a Multiple Choice question, the structure is:
MC <tab> question text (<tab> answer text <tab> “correct” or “incorrect”)
The text between the brackets ( ) can be repeated up to 20 times for each answer belonging to the question.

For a Multiple Answer question, the structure is:
MA <tab> question text (<tab> answer text <tab> “correct” or “incorrect”)
The text between the brackets ( ) can be repeated up to 20 times for each answer belonging to the question.

For a True/False question, the structure is:
TF <tab> question text <tab> “true” or “false”

For an Open question, the structure is:
ESS <tab> question text <tab> [sample text]
The text between the square brackets [ ] is optional – you can fill in a sample answer or leave the field empty.

For an Ordering question, the structure is:
ORD <tab> question text (<tab> answer text)
The text between the brackets ( ) can be repeated up to 20 times for each answer belonging to the question. The answer options should be provided in the correct order. The system will then order them randomly.

For a Fill in the Blank question, the structure is:
FIB <tab> question text (<tab> answer text)
The text between the brackets ( ) can be repeated up to 20 times for each answer belonging to the question.

For a Matching Pairs question, the structure is:
MAT <tab> question text (<tab> answer text <tab> accompanying text)
The text between the brackets ( ) can be repeated up to 20 times for each answer belonging to the question. The system will order the answer options and matching pairs randomly. When uploading questions of this type, it is important that there is a one-to-one relationship between the questions and the answers. If several answers have the same values, correct answers may be counted as incorrect.