Blackboard Support


Support Blackboard Introduction

The Blackboard server is technically managed by Blackboard Managed Hosting in Amsterdam. At Utrecht University, functional management is carried out by functional managers from Information and Technology Services (ITS) and local supporters. For each faculty (department), the local supporters are the first points of contact for instructors. For an overview of contact names see – ‘Support’.

After logging in to Blackboard, you can access the supporting materials (such as documents and links) under the Support tab.

You can also find many manuals, tips and other information about Blackboard 9.1 on the University of Amsterdam Wiki:

In addition, the Dutch Blackboard user group has jointly developed a supportive website that contains a lot of information: Last but not least there is Blackboard’s official help site

An internet search using Blackboard terminology will provide you with plenty of information from other universities, especially those in the United States. And on video sites such as YouTube, you can find many instructional videos.