Blackboard Support

Creating Tests

Creating tests in blackboard

In Blackboard, the term ‘Assessment’ is used to refer to both Tests and Surveys. Both types of assessment make use of the same sort of questions, but in the case of surveys, the results are stored and processed anonymously. Test results, on the other hand, are not anonymous, and are stored in the Grade Center. When possible (i.e., in the case of closed questions), test results are based on a pre-determined number of points per question and therefore can be evaluated automatically. Tests can also be used for self-assessment and practising purposes. Comments or feedback can also be attached to test questions, making it possible to provide students with an explanation or suggestions for further study based on their answer.

Blackboard can also store questions in a question bank called a ‘pool’. Questions from a pool may be used and re-used in future tests.

This manual focuses on how to create and manage tests and test questions. The same instructions apply to survey creation, and where the process of survey design differs from test design, it will be described separately.

The procedure for designing and publishing a test in Blackboard is as follows:

  • Creating a test (opening a new test file and entering a name and any necessary description or instructions);
  • Adding questions to a test (with a choice of many different types of questions);
  • Determining test settings (including fixed or random question order, time allowed, and maximum number of attempts permitted);
  • Making the test available.

An overview of all manuals concerning tests, including the manuals mentioned above, can be found in a content page Testing and Grading.